Cookies policy
In compliance with Royal Decree-Law 13/2012, STRIKER informs you that it may use cookies to customize and facilitate as much as possible the USER's navigation through its web pages, offer content, including advertising, according to their interests in the page.
- Users who notice a violation of these rules must notify us using the tools provided for this purpose.
- A Prosecutor will review the facts, assess the seriousness of the same and decide whether it deserves a sanction.
- In case of disagreement with such sanction or doubts about the performance of the Prosecutor in charge, a complaint will be made directly to an Administrator through the usual channels of contact.
- The administration will not consider any case until it has been evaluated by the Prosecutors.
- Any claim or complaint will only be considered if it relates to the current season. As an exceptional case, complaints from previous seasons may be accepted, as long as no more than one week has passed since the closing of the season.